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Emily Remsen

Inclusive Education, Ministry, and Community Advocate


About Emily

Emily began helping with Bible studies for adults with developmental disabilities in early elementary school, that she now leads on a monthly basis. From there, her passion for people of all abilities grew. She attended the University of Redlands, where she received her BA in Communication Sciences and Disorders, as well as Liberal Studies, followed by her MA in Learning and Teaching with a Multiple-Subject Teaching Credential. In 2018, Emily became an Adverse Childhood Experiences Qualified Educator and began training groups and individuals in the effects of trauma on the body. In 2021, Emily was fortunate to be accepted into a Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) Practitioner Training, through Texas Christian University's the Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development. In the Fall of 2023, Emily became trained in Orton-Gillingham, a reading intervention methodology, through The Institute for Multi-Sensory Education (IMSE) and also became a Wrightslaw trained special education advocate. She continues her education, taking classes in special education, educational technology, reading intervention, trauma-informed care, and all things special education, currently. She is actively involved in several professional organizations, including state, regional, and national TBRI practitioner groups, Traumawise, the Pacific Southwest District regional Lutheran Association of Resource Specialists, and ACE's Cohort- Orange County. 


Fearfully & Wonderfully Made


Celebrating Ability Inclusion

IEP Advocacy

Supporting families and educators in public school districts, public charter schools, and private schools. 

Educational Therapy

Inclusive Consultation

Assisting students to reach their highest level of independence through specifically planned supports. 

Supporting community members and organizations to meet the needs of all those involved. 

Striving for a world where all abilities are valued and included. 

Enthusiastically connecting families with resources that best meet their needs, enable families of self-advocates, and to empower learners. There is always room in ones tool belt for something new. 


“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”           John 16:33

Art Class

"The greatest gift you can give someone is simply to include them." 


Let's chat!





Book a meeting in Calendly 

Coming soon!

Summer group sign ups for reading and executive functioning skills! 

Book a Consultation

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