IEP Advocacy
Supporting families and educators in public school districts, public charter schools, and private schools.
Emily has experience working in a variety of settings, exploring and evaluating accommodation and modification options, and partnering with families and schools across a vast number of program designs.
Educational Therapy
Assisting students to reach their highest level of independence through specifically planned supports.
Emily enjoys crafting plans and supports that come alongside learners and the teams that support them. Whether it is through a multi-sensory reading intervention support, math fact fluency drills, or executive functioning mastery, Emily will craft a unique plan for each individual.
Inclusive Consultation
Supporting community members and organizations to meet the needs of all those involved.
Emily has a passion for ensuring a true person centered planning process for organizations that serve individuals with disabilities and/or requiring accommodations. She takes a creative, team approach to planning, while keeping local, state, and national requirements in mind. She greatly enjoys putting in the time to research every detail behind program design and through the implementation process.